Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Question of the Week (Something New)

I spend a lot of time online looking at statistics... how often do people access sites on their
phone vs. a computer, % of sales online vs. brick-and-mortar, how many people drive red cars... blah, blah, blah.

Now, out of curiosity, I'm going to start something new, the QoftheW - "Question of the Week." (I might not actually get one out once a week). Please use the comment area to answer the question, if you want. You can make your answer as long or as short as you want.  Give it a little humor or be very serious.  Tell me why your are answering the way you are, or don't.  The whole thing is up to you and is meant to be fun, while also gathering a little data.

The week after each question is asked, I will post the results (if appropriate) for each question that I've posted across several social media sites and through email.

This weeks question: "What was the last app you used on your phone or tablet that WAS NOT a social media app (like Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?"

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